CBD Rules for Competition
(to be read in conjunction with BV Victorian Pennant Conditions of Play 2020-21 Dated: October 27th 2020)
BV Victorian Pennant Conditions of Play 2020-21
The following outlines the administrative procedures for the conduct of the Central Bowls Division Pennant for season 2020-21 unless amended by the CBD Board. It is requested that a copy of these Rules be circulated to each Side manager and Selectors.
1.1 A Club can field one or more sides in Pennant Competitions with the approval of the Board of the Central Bowls Division
1.2 If more than one side is fielded by a Club
1.2.1 In Pennant competition/s comprising sides from one or more Divisions, or
1.2.2 In Division/Region Competitions associated with that of one or more Divisions the following will apply: The second and subsequent sides of the Club will be graded in numerical sequence as 2, 3, 4 etc. in descending order of their ability Sides will be filled by available players in descending order of ability. If there are insufficient players available to fill all Sides the lowest numbered side will be the side that forfeits. Prior to the last four rounds of Sectional play there will be no restriction on the interchange of Players between the sides of a Club
1.3 For the last four rounds of Sectional Play, no side will include more than three players who have played the majority of their games prior to the fourth last game, in a higher numbered Side
1.4 In any post sectional knock out match a side will not include any Player who during the current season has played less than four games for the Club in that actual competition. The Saturday pennant competition and the Midweek Pennant Competition are separate competitions and games played in one competition do not count towards Player eligibility in the other competition
1.5 In any post sectional match a side will not include any player during the current season who during the current season has played more than four games in any of the higher numbered sides unless the player has also played in four or more in the Side concerned and /or lower numbered
1.6 If any Club is uncertain of having available sufficient Members who are eligible under (v) it can apply to the Central Bowls Division Championship Committee for permission to play other nominated members and if permission is granted such Members can play in any position other than Skip.
1.7 All Pennant players must be correctly affiliated with Central Bowls Division and Bowls Victoria. This includes players who have received clearances from other Clubs. All Players must be affiliated with clubs listing their players on the Bowls Link database prior to playing Pennant.
2.1 Where a Club has insufficient of its own Members to field a complete side, affiliated members from other Clubs can be used as substitutes to make up the number.
2.2 In any side only one substitute may be allowed in each team (rink).
2.3 Substitutes must be played in the Clubs lowest numbered side unless the vacancy occurs after 12 noon on Saturday or 9am on Tuesday.
2.4 Prior to 12 noon for Saturday Pennant and prior to 9:30am for Midweek Pennant on the day of the match, a Club will not introduce a replacement Player under the provisions of Domestic Regulation 2.4 except for its lowest numbered Side.
2.5 After the commencement of play in a match in both Saturday Pennant & Midweek Pennant, a substitute Player can take the place of any Member of the Side in accordance with Law 33.2 and D.R. 2.3 only if such Member becomes unable to continue to play in the match by reason of circumstances arising after the commencement of the match and can play in any position other than Skip
If at the latest time for the commencement of a match a Side (both fours & triples) does not have sufficient Members to form a Side.
3.1 A team of four/three with an absent player plays as though the second is the missing player; the side plays with three/two players and six/five bowls without penalty. If a player becomes available they may join the team at any stage in the game but cannot skip. If no player becomes available the side will play with each defaulting team of the side playing as lead, second and or skip respectively.
3.2 The order of play shall be maintained by the second of the complete team playing consecutive bowls;
3.3 If a player has commenced the game, however is unable to continue the game and no eligible substitute or replacement is available or allowed, play will continue as if one player is absent as per Rule 3.1.and 3.2.
3.4 If an absent player arrives late, they must take their original place in the team when they arrive and enter the game at the completion of the end in progress.
3.5 If an eligible substitute or replacement player becomes available and is permitted by the Controlling Body they may be introduced to the game at the completion of the end in progress.
3.6 If 3.1 is invoked the Skips of the respective teams then carry the scorecard and update the score at completion of each end.
4.1 Duration:
4.1.1 Each match will consist of 25 ends per rink as determined by the Central Bowls Division with a 10 minute break: The break should commence after the 14th end for both Saturday and Midweek Competitions.
4.1.2 By prior mutual arrangement the scheduled break may be waived. If side managers cannot agree, the scheduled break will be taken as stated in Rule 4 Matches 4.1 Duration
4.2 Time of Commencement
4.2.1 Games will commence no later than 1pm on Saturday and 10am Tuesday. It is only permissible to commence games prior to these commencement times if all Sides are present and with the agreement of both Side managers.
4.3 Trial Ends
The two trial ends must be completed before the scheduled commencement time
4.4 Draw for Rinks
The draw for rinks will be conducted prior to the commencement of trial ends by the opposing managers. Rinks allocated for pennant play must be consecutively numbered.
4.6 Pre Match Practice Saturday
Pre match practice is permitted for Saturday pennant provided it is undertaken before 12 noon on the day of the match. Any player due to play in a match, with the permission of the Club, can play or practice on the green of any Club subject to such play or practice being on the rinks other than those allocated for the match.
4.7 Allocation of Rinks
If a Club for any one of a number of reasons including inclement weather, has insufficient rinks available for the number of games scheduled to be played at home on a given day and it is put in the position where it has to find an alternative venue that is prepared to assist, the following will apply:
4.7.1 Available greens are to be allocated to the home side in order of seniority of the side drawn to play at home.
4.7.2 If an alternative venue is available that venue may be used, again in seniority, for those Sides which cannot be catered for at the home Club.
4.7.3 If a game is to be transferred to an alternative venue it must be with the mutual agreement of the opposing side and needs to be obtained as soon as possible and the CBD Secretary advised who will in turn advise the Chair of the Central Bowls Division Championship Committee.
4.8 Saturday Divisions – alternative days for competition
In a sectional game in any Division a club can, with the agreement of the opposing side and after notifying the Central Bowls Division Championship Committee, play the game on a Friday or Saturday evening. A player will NOT play in more than one side in the same Round.
4.9 Notification of No Play to Opposition
As matter of courtesy opponents should be advised by mobile phone that a game is to be abandoned immediately the decision is made by the Host Club.
4.10 Umpires
Where possible Clubs should appoint Qualified Umpires only to officiate matches, if they do not have such available then if the opposition have a qualified Umpire then he/she shall be appointed to officiate. If neither side have a qualified Umpire then the home side shall appoint someone to act as the Umpire of the day. If this is unavoidable it should be arranged where possible that they do not officiate on their own rinks. The name of the Umpire must be recorded on the Pennant Return
4.11 Side Manager
Wherever under any of the Laws, Rules and Regulations a Side is given any right of decision or choice, it will be exercised by the Side manager who will act on behalf of the Side.
In this Rule “weather” means wet weather, lightning, excessive heat, excessive wind or dust or any other similar like weather conditions that effects play.
If the day before a scheduled Central Bowls Division Pennant or State Event game a Code Red Fire Danger Rating Day is forecast and announced by the Bureau of Meteorology for the NORTH CENTRAL FIRES DISTRICT for the DAY of PLAY then ALL Central Bowls Division Pennant scheduled for that day will be abandoned and those games WILL NOT be replayed.
If the actual dry bulb temperature recorded at the Bureau of Meteorology (https://www.bom.gov.au/vic/forecasts/northcentral.shtml) has reached *38 degrees Celsius at 10.00am (Saturdays) or 8.00am (Midweek) on the Pennant Day then the Central Bowls Championship Committee will abandon all Pennant Play for that day. (See CBD Pennant Conditions of Play, Section 6 Sectional Play for allocation of points).
If such a decision to abandon play is made by the Central Bowls Division Championship Committee its decision for abandonment will be announced on the CBD website and via email to Club CCO’s.
5.1 HEAT
5.1.1 (SATURDAY Pre match)
For Saturday Central Bowls Division Pennant play will not commence if the dry bulb Temperature at the venue club reaches *38 degrees Celsius at 1:00pm on the Pennant day. The commencement of the match will be suspended until such time as the temperature falls back below *38 degrees Celsius and in addition if play has not commenced by 2:00pm then the match will be abandoned.
If it is unlikely that the temperature will drop below *38 degrees Celsius the Side Managers may by mutual agreement abandon the game and share the points available. Any disputes that may arise are to be referred to the venue clubs officially appointed Umpire of the Day whose decision will be final.
5.1.2 (SATURDAY During game)
For Saturday Central Bowls Division Pennant if play has commenced and the dry bulb Temperature at the venue club reaches *38 degrees Celsius or above at any time on the Pennant day then play will be suspended until such time as the temperature falls back below *38 degrees Celsius (all play will be abandoned at 6:30pm as per the provisions of Rule 5.6.3).
Every effort must be made to complete any ends in progress prior to leaving the green for the suspension of play.
If play is suspended due to Heat and the game is not recommenced within 1 hour of the cessation of play, then that game will be abandoned immediately. If a Sectional match is abandoned it will count as a tie provided that if the scores are such that one Side must win the match if all the remaining ends were played, that Side will be awarded the match with the scores as at the abandonment, or If less than half the matches in any Division are completed, all matches due to be played that day in that Division will be deemed to be tied provided that the results will stand in any Section of that Division in which all of the matches are completed. A forfeit or walkover will count as a completed game for the purposes of this Rule.
Any disputes that may arise are to be referred to the venue clubs officially appointed Umpire of the day whose decision will be final.
5.1.3 (MIDWEEK Pre match)
For Central Bowls Division Midweek Pennant play will not commence if the dry bulb Temperature at the venue club reaches *38 degrees Celsius at 10:00am on the Pennant day.
The commencement of the match will be suspended until such time as the temperature falls back below *38 degrees Celsius (all play will be abandoned at 4:00pm as per the provisions of Rule 5.6.3 and in addition if play has not commenced by 11:30am then the match will be abandoned. If it is unlikely that the temperature will drop below *38 degrees Celsius the Side Managers may by mutual agreement abandon the game and share the points available. Any disputes that may arise are to be referred to the venue clubs officially appointed Umpire of the day whose decision will be final.
5.1.4 (MIDWEEK During game)
For Central Bowls Division Midweek Pennant if play has commenced and the dry bulb Temperature at the venue club reaches *38 degrees Celsius or above as broadcast at any time on the Pennant day then play will be suspended until such time as the temperature falls back below *38 degrees Celsius (all play will be abandoned at 4:00pm as per the provisions of Rule 5.6.3).
Every effort must be made to complete any ends in progress prior to leaving the green for the suspension of play.
If play is suspended due to Heat and the game is not recommenced within 1 hour of the cessation of play, then that game will be abandoned immediately. If a Sectional match is abandoned it will count as a tie provided that if the scores are such that one Side must win the match if all the remaining ends were played, that Side will be awarded the match with the scores as at the abandonment, or If less than half the matches in any Division are completed, all matches due to be played that day in that Division will be deemed to be tied provided that the results will stand in any Section of that Division in which all of the matches are completed. A forfeit or walkover will count as a completed game for the purposes of this Rule.
Any disputes that may arise are to be referred to the venue clubs officially appointed Umpire of the day whose decision will be final.
5.2 OTHER INCLEMENT WEATHER (excluding Heat)
5.2.1 If a decision to abandon play is made by the Central Bowls Division Pennant Committee, its decision for abandonment will be announced under procedures defined from year to year.
5.2.2 For the purpose of this Rule, each Club upon whose green a match is to be played will appoint a nominated deputy for its Greens Director who will be present to act in the event the Greens Director is absent, and
5.3 If the BV Metropolitan Pennant Committee has not determined that play be abandoned, The Greens Director or the appointed Deputy will be the sole authority for determining whether play can be commenced on the green of the Greens Director’s Club;
5.4 If a decision against play for the day or for delayed commencement is reached before the arrival other visiting Side or Sides, such decision will promptly be telephoned to the Club or Clubs
5.5 If due to inclement weather a match has not commenced by 11:30am for a Midweek Match or 2:00pm for a Saturday match it will be abandoned.
5.6 If play for the day has commenced and subsequently
5.6.1 due to consideration of the weather one Side wishes to leave the green but the other does not, neither Side can leave the vicinity of the green and the Umpire will resolve the dispute,
5.6.2 due to inclement weather has been stopped officially by the Controlling Body or by direction of the Umpire, or by agreement between the Managers when the Umpire or a Representative of the Controlling Body is not present or because the Greens Director or the appointed deputy closes the green as unfit for play, it will not be resumed if the green remains closed, but if otherwise: The Umpire on his own observation or on appeal of the Managers will decide whether or not to resume, and If resumed, the provisions of Law 32.2, 32.3 and 32.4 will apply.
5.6.3 If due to inclement weather the start of a Sectional match has been delayed or play interrupted in accordance with Rule 5.6.2 and the match has not been completed before 4.00pm for a Midweek Match or 6.30pm for a Saturday Match, it will then be abandoned but if play is in progress at 4.00pm for a Midweek Match or 6.30pm for a Saturday Match, it will be abandoned thereafter upon the interruption or completion of any end or ends in play at 4.00pm for a Midweek Match or 6.30pm for a Saturday Match.
5.6.4 If the Central Bowls Division Pennant Committee has not determined that all play will be abandoned for the day and due to inclement weather: If a Sectional match is abandoned it will count as a tie provided that if the scores are such that one Side must win the match if all the remaining ends were played, that Side will be awarded the match with the scores as at the abandonment, or If less than half the matches in any Division are completed, all matches due to be played that day in that Division will be deemed to be tied provided that the results will stand in any Section of that Division in which all of the matches are completed. A forfeit or walkover will count as a completed game for the purposes of this Rule.
5.7 In the event a post sectional (knockout) match being abandoned for the day due to inclement weather it will be completed under such conditions as the Central Bowls Division Pennant Committee decides.
5.8 Despite anything contained in this Rule 5 Side Managers may by mutual agreement abandon the game at any time due to the prevailing weather conditions.
The scoring method to be used in allocating points for a side or team, win, tie and for a forfeit, walkover of bye in the Pennant Competition will be decided by the Division Controlling Body – Central Bowls Division
Championship Committee
6.1 Unless the Central Bowls Division Championship Committee decides otherwise Sides in each section will be drawn to play each other at least twice
6.2 The Order of Sides in each section will be determined by the total points gained. Ten points will be awarded for each Side win, forfeit or walkover. Two points will be awarded for each team win, one point will be awarded for each team tie.
6.2.1 If two or more Sides have the same number of points their order will be determined by net margin of shots ‘for’ minus shots against each side
6.2.2 If net margins be equal the order will be determined by the higher proportion of ‘total shots for ‘Divided by ‘total shots against’.
6.2.3 If there is still a tie for a position to qualify for Post sectional play, the Sides concerned will play a deciding match.
6.3 In addition to the points awarded under 6.2 a side giving a forfeit or walkover will lose 15 shots and the Side receiving the forfeit or walkover will gain 15 shots.
6.4 If all play for the day is abandoned by the Central Bowls Division Championship Committee, points will be shared for scheduled matches that day
6.4.1 If a match is abandoned before or during play before a result is obtained, under Inclement Weather Rule, each Side will share equally the maximum points, including team points.
6.4.2 If a match is abandoned during play and a result is possible under the Inclement Weather Rule the points will be allotted as if the match had been completed, with the points for Team wins allotted on the scores as they stand at the time of abandonment.
7.1 Home Managers is to enter Results onto the Bowlslink Competition site followed by the Away Manager confirming Result
Bowlslink Pennant Result Video
7.2 Managers after checking results are correct are to scan Pennant Result Sheet and email to johncoates@hotmail.com Managers to print their names under signature. Umpires name to be recorded. Time game completed recorded.
7.3 In the event of a walkover the side receiving the walkover must complete and submit a Pennant Return showing which side has given the walkover.
7.4 A team receiving a Bye must complete and submit a Pennant Return.
7.5 No alteration to a completed return received by the Central Bowls Division will be permitted unless a correction agreed to in writing by both Clubs is lodged within 14 days of the match.
At the end of sectional play the Division winners will be arranged in order according to the total points gained. If two or more Sides are equal on total points gained the order between them will be determined in accordance with Sectional Play/Scoring Rule 6.2 (6.2.1) (6.2.2) (6.2.3).
To determine the respective winners all Midweek and Saturday Division Final Series will be conducted as follows:
8.1 Week 1 Qualifying Match 1 v 2
Elimination Match 3 v 4
8.2 Week 2 Preliminary Final Loser of Qualifying Final to play Winner of Elimination Match
8.3 Week 3 Grand Final Winner of Preliminary Final to play winner of Qualifying Final
All finals to be played on neutral greens where possible
Please read the Bowls Victoria Regulations relating to Attire as published on BV web page